Line Following Buggy Code

Line Following Buggy Code

In this project we learn how to code our buggy to follow a course made from a dark line on a large white sheet of paper. To start with we need to know how the buggy works. 1. How does it work? Motors The two motors are quite simple. They are connected by two wires to...
Line Following Buggy Code

Building a Line Following Buggy

In this project we build a line-following buggy with 2 electric motors, and program the micro:bit to make the buggy follow a dark line on a light background. You’ll need: A micro:bit A Kitronic Line-following Buggy kit:...
Beethoven – making music with micro:bit and MicroPython

Beethoven – making music with micro:bit and MicroPython

In this project we get the micro:bit to play some music, including (a bit of) Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. You’ll need: A micro:bit A USB cable to link your micro:bit to the computer A battery pack Two crocodile clip connectors A speaker or headphones with a...
Conway’s Game of Life for micro:bit using MicroPython

Conway’s Game of Life for micro:bit using MicroPython

Conway’s Game of Life has been challenging programmers for many years. I treat it as a more advanced form of “Hello World” as it requires a reasonable knowledge of a programming language to complete. This version is for the BBC micro:bit and uses...
Hello World – micro:bit MicroPython with Mu

Hello World – micro:bit MicroPython with Mu

In this project you’ll learn how to create your first program in MicroPython, and how to download and run it on a micro:bit. You’ll need: A computer with the Mu editor, which you can download here: A micro:bit A USB cable to link your...